Shared bookmarks

Shared bookmarks

  • #internet | When writing about Bluesky, I’ve seen folks mention that it’s either federated or decentralized. I’m here to tell you that it’s currently neither. This one really irks me because the service is getting the credit for work it hasn’t done.
    3 weeks ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet #computer | cobalt is your go-to place for downloads from social and media platforms. zero ads, trackers, or other creepy bullshit. simply paste a share link and you're ready to rock!
    4 months ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | "So the whole ball pit was my idea. I wanted a ball pit."
    5 months ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | The .io top-level domain funds and legitimises Britain’s exile of the Chagossian people from their homeland. Here’s the history and the facts.
    11 months ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | We used to know how to do this. Not long ago, we were good at separating the signal from noise. Granted, there’s a lot more noise these days, but most of it comes from and is encouraged by the silos we dwell in. Somewhere between the late 2000’s aggregator sites and the contemporary For You Page, we lost our ability to curate the web. Worse still, we’ve outsourced our discovery to corporate algorithms.
    11 months ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | I love the web — and what I love about the web, at its core, is something that is individually freeing and runs against the grain of corporate value extraction. How do you make a living ($$$) working on something that you love whose reason for being resists the impulse for capitalization?
    1 year ago | View Shared by tei
  • 1 year ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet #reality | At every step and every level there’s an abundance of detail with material consequences. It’s tempting to think ‘So what?’ and dismiss these details as incidental or specific to stair carpentry. And they are specific to stair carpentry; that’s what makes them details. But the existence of a surprising number of meaningful details is not specific to stairs. Surprising detail is a near universal property of getting up close and personal with reality. You can see this everywhere if you look. For example, you’ve probably had the experience of doing something for the first time, maybe growing vegetables or using a Haskell package for the first time, and being frustrated by how many annoying snags there were. Then you got more practice and then you told yourself ‘man, it was so simple all along, I don’t know why I had so much trouble’. We run into a fundamental property of the universe and mistake it for a personal failing. If you’re a programmer, you might think that the fiddliness of programming is a special feature of programming, but really it’s that everything is fiddly, but you only notice the fiddliness when you’re new, and in programming you do new things more often. You might think the fiddly detailiness of things is limited to human centric domains, and that physics itself is simple and elegant. That’s true in some sense – the physical laws themselves tend to be quite simple – but the manifestation of those laws is often complex and counterintuitive.
    1 year ago | View Shared by tei
  • 1 year ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | But We Who Post are trapped in the same paradox that Kojève identifies in Hegel’s treatment of the Master and Slave. The Master desires recognition from the Slave, but because he does not recognize the Slave’s humanity, he cannot actually have it. “And this is what is insufficient—what is tragic—in his situation,” Kojève writes. “For he can be satisfied only by recognition from one whom he recognizes as worthy of recognizing him.”
    1 year ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet #culture | Infantilising yourself can often seem like a plea for diminished responsibility. Most of us will have encountered someone who, when criticised for behaving badly, appeals to their own vulnerability as a way of letting themselves off the hook. No matter what they do or the harm they cause, it’s never fair to criticise them, because there’s always some reason – often framed through therapy jargon or the language of social justice – why it isn’t their fault. Childishness grants them a perpetual innocence; they are constitutionally incapable of being in the wrong. But we will never make the world better if we act like this. Thinking of yourself as a smol bean baby is a way of tapping out and expecting other people to fight on your behalf. It also makes you a more pliant consumer. Social media is awash with the idea that ‘it’s valid not to be productive’, as though productivity were the only manifestation of capitalism and streaming Disney+ all day is a form of resistance. It’s much rarer to encounter the idea that we have a responsibility about what we consume, or that satisfying our own desires whenever we want is not always a good thing: “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” has morphed into “there is no unethical consumption under capitalism”.
    1 year ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | What’s the “shitty tech adoption curve?” It’s the process by which oppressive technologies are normalized and spread. If you want to do something awful with tech — say, spy on people with a camera 24/7 — you need to start with the people who have the least social capital, the people whose objections are easily silenced or overridden. That’s why all our worst technologies are first imposed on refugees -> prisoners -> kids -> mental patients -> poor people, etc. Then, these technologies climb the privilege gradient: blue collar workers -> white collar workers -> everyone. Following this pathway lets shitty tech peddlers knock the rough edges off their wares, inuring us all to their shock and offense.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • 2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • 2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | Remember a time, not so long ago, when email was good. Imagine every email you ever received being delivered by a very small guy on a horse, galloping through an ether landscape. Think of Sylvia Plath — My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold A Mailman On The Street! Think of her fresh red heart.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | An Internet mob wanted to rescue a 13-year-old girl. Instead, they terrified her, derailed real trafficking investigations and incited ‘save the children’ violence.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet #comics | Beany Tuesday's Guide To Indie Comics
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet #projects | had a dream last night that my alarm was connected to twitter and everytime i hit snooze it publicly tweeted it with a disparaging little message along the lines of “filthy horrible boy has slapped the screen again, and slumbers on” so that your followers could shame you and i was deeply, DEEPLY humiliated but that did not stop me from hitting snooze upwards of 14 timeshey op! i couldnt sleep until i built this! you motherfucker!
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | Destielputinelection november 2020
    3 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet #copyright #courses | CopyrightX is a free online course on copyright open to people around the world. Although the OTW does not have any official relationship with CopyrightX, they have been in contact with members of our Legal Committee about their wish to reach fans who are interested in learning more about copyright and fair use. As a result we are sharing this invitation with our readers and users. The course is also open to any member of the public. CopyrightX is a twelve-week networked course, offered each year under the auspices of Harvard Law School, the HarvardX distance-learning initiative, and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. The course explores the current law of copyright and the ongoing debates concerning how that law should be reformed. Through a combination of pre-recorded lectures, assigned readings, weekly seminars, live webcasts, and online discussions, participants in the course examine and assess the ways in which law seeks to stimulate and regulate creative expression.
    3 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | -If there are categories of people you don’t want to follow please assume I belong to all of them -If you need my demographic info before you can decide if you agree with my opinion or not please disagree with my opinions -Please assume I am up to no good - this is a good thing to assume with any blog on here - even blogs with faces may be no-faces in disguise
    3 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | Uses google crawlers to get around paywalls!
    3 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet #fandom | the FBI contractor who had to investigate AO3 for child porn
    3 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | Developers of the popular open source network Freenode are quitting en masse and accusing Andrew Lee, the Crown Prince of Korea, of a “hostile takeover” of the organization.
    3 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | For the past twenty-four hours, I’ve been dwelling among the influencers at Clubhouse FTB, enduring bouts of dick jokes and long glugs of White Claw, the sort of chaffing male camaraderie you’re apt to find in frat houses or hunting lodges. Among the various House Rules, which are enumerated on a whiteboard in the dining room of this mansion, are boldfaced injunctions to wake up by 10 am, to refrain from drinking Sunday through Thursday, to hold house meetings every morning at 11:30, and to “finish brand deliverables before inviting guests.” Unlike some other houses, the Clubhouse isn’t owned and operated by the influencers themselves but is overseen by outside investors. In exchange for posting three to five videos per week to the Clubhouse social-media accounts, the boys receive free room and board, plus whatever brand deals they can get based upon their “relevance.”
    3 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | What does that even look like? What if we redirected our attention based solely on the consequences? Instead of constantly amplifying arguments we think are unworthy (simply because it feels good to mock them), what if we choose not to give them oxygen? Why not reframe the debate and set the terms of the conversation?
    3 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | Only as a product can we recognize ourselves as “genuinely” real, given the amount of attention and effort collectively directed at enchanting and foregrounding products within a consumer-capitalist culture. We are ideologically trained, repeatedly, every day, to love consumer goods; naturally we would want to become a consumer good ourselves, to appear deserving of love — from ourselves as well as from other people (who, on social media, offer quantifiable tokens of that deserved love in the likes and so on).
    3 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | I got an email from a Russian reader, which I will quote in full: "In Russia we witnessed similar things back in 1917. 100 years later the same situation is in your country :)". I am not sure it really makes sense to compare my attempted doxxing to the Bolshevik Revolution, and that smiley face will haunt my dreams, but I am humbled by his support.
    3 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • 3 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | Yahoo likes buying things and then destroying them.
    3 years ago | View Shared by tei

