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  • #hungary #ukraine | Some Ukrainians meanwhile point to Orban’s close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin before the war, and suspect him of wanting to annex Transcarpathia. The nationalist Hungarian premier, who granted dual citizenship and voting rights to diaspora Magyars after coming into power in 2010, has also refused to send weapons to Ukraine. On the main street outside a high school renovated with Hungarian state funding, a pensioner — who asked not to be named — said “only Orban looks after us.” “Without Hungarian support and money we would have nothing,” she told AFP, adding that she would vote for Orban in Hungary’s upcoming parliamentary election on April 3.
    1 year ago | View Shared by tei
  • #hungary #ukraine | But in recent years, tensions have risen as Mr. Orban has increasingly sought to bring ethnic Hungarian enclaves in Ukraine and elsewhere under his sway. Among other things, he has encouraged Hungarians beyond the country’s borders to claim citizenship, which allowed him to win over new voters to keep him in power. In this poor region of Ukraine, along the Hungarian border, he doled out funding to run schools, churches, businesses and newspapers, winning gratitude — and helping fan resentments. The ceremony for a lost homeland did not exist before Mr. Orban came to power. The feelings of otherness intensified as Ukraine, under constant threat by Russia, passed a law that mandates more classes be taught in Ukrainian in public schools. The law was mainly meant to rein in the use of the Russian language, but for the conservative Hungarian community where many still learn, and pray, almost exclusively in Hungarian, the law was seen as an unfair infringement on constitutional rights.
    1 year ago | View Shared by tei

