Shared bookmarks

Shared bookmarks

  • #rating:e #fandom:renault #kink:fisting #ship:alexander/bagoas #ship:alexander/hephaestion | “Bagoas,” Alexander said, loud and careless of who could hear, “can fit my hand in his asshole.” Hephaiston circled the wine in his cup, considered it thoughtfully for a moment, and then drained it in a single gulp. He was not drunk enough for this conversation.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #rating:e #fandom:hannibal #ship:hannigram #au:gender #au:rockband | Don’t think about the way Annabelle’s hand wraps around it. Think about the record contract. Think about being prescribed hormones instead of buying them on the black market. Think about Will getting treatment; think about no more dark stags or lost hours. Think of a house in Key West and Will having as many dogs as he wants, which is probably about five thousand. Think about all the girls you know who do this as a job. You only have to do it once. Give thanks. Feel shitty for having to give thanks.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #music | 4,685,156 views • Dec 31, 2016 • Sheet music (if for some godforsaken reason you need the sheet music for this): All Star by Smash Mouth but it's partwritten for four voices following the compositional rules established by Bach, which include (but are not limited to) sounding every note of a given chord, avoiding parallel motion octaves and fifths, doubling the root of non-inverted chords, resolving leading tones appropriately, and of course, following the established chart of chord progressions to prevent retrogression. And it's fully notated with Roman numeral and figured bass analysis, as well as non-chord tones. It's not perfect okay, crucify me; I know there's some stuff Bach wouldn't have done but I had to keep it interesting. I was going to mark cadences as well but there really aren't any good cadential phrases except for some awkward place in the middle of the song so I didn't bother. Whatever. And there's an organ. Climaxes with some Whitacre junk and The Lick. Happy freaking Channukkah Jacob
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #writing #classics #person:annecarson | CARSON: Do you think some of that is the result of the pandemic, and just being in a closed room for months on end? Because time changed for me. Every day was endless and yet also too short with no middle. It felt like being in an igloo with a lot of snow outside and nowhere to go. Time had a different texture, and I don’t know exactly what that was. But it made the work feel different. And it made it seem more pointless to me, frankly. Partly because in the writing world, as soon as the pandemic got going, everybody was publishing COVID journals.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet #comics | Beany Tuesday's Guide To Indie Comics
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #rating:e #fandom:renault #ship:alexander/hephaestion | “You don’t need a career,” Alexander says, “you have me.”
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #rating:e #fandom:hannibal #ship:hannigram | (Post 2x08 - Su-zakana) After their eventful and intimate night at the stables, Will asks Hannibal to take him back to the office. He intends to offer himself up to protect Alana... but perhaps he's deluding himself more than he's manipulating Hannibal.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #coronavirus | The actual atudy people are claiming means the CDC wants to kill disabled people or whatever Vaccinated persons who are older, immunosuppressed, or have other underlying conditions should receive targeted interventions including chronic disease management, precautions to reduce exposure, additional primary and booster vaccine doses, and effective pharmaceutical therapy to mitigate risk for severe outcomes. Increasing vaccination coverage is a critical public health priority.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #coronavirus #china | Child, you said you’re 16. When I was 16 it was 1971 and back then if someone had told me that the “Cultural Revolution is a calamity" I would surely have taken him on till his head was covered in blood. I wouldn’t have listened, even if he tried to reason with me for three days and nights on end. That’s because from age 11 I’d been taught “the Cultural Revolution is of course good,” and by 16 I’d been taught that way for five years. Three days and three nights would never have been enough to win me over. By the same token, I can’t possibly overcome your disbelief. But let me tell you, child, sooner or later your disbelief will be answered. That answer will have to come from you. In 10 years, maybe 20, there’ll come a day when you’ll think, wow, how childish and despicable I was back then. Because by then you may have become an entirely different you. Of course, if you take the path that those ultra-leftists want to lead you down, perhaps you’ll never get your own answer.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #history #classics | Engineering in the ancient world
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #classics | Herodotus, far from being an old fuddy-duddy, not nearly as sophisticated as (say) Thucydides, was two and a half millennia ahead of the technology that would have ideally suited his mentality and style. It occurs to you, as you read “The Landmark Herodotus”—with its very Herodotean footnotes, maps, charts, and illustrations—that a truly adventurous new edition of the Histories would take the digressive bits and turn them into what Herodotus would have done if only they’d existed: hyperlinks.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #canada | If we are trying to be on equal ground, why are you pointing out the hierarchy of colonizer and colonized as soon as we meet? Even what defines a settler includes the act of colonizing. Canada is a product of settler colonialism.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #gender #society | Notions of American masculinity have long drawn on a shallow pool of tropes, most of which we tend to associate with fictionalizations of the frontier: the lonesome swagger of John Wayne, the gruff reticence of the cowboy. But up until the end of the nineteenth century, the ideal of American masculinity was far more communal. The historian E. Anthony Rotundo has observed that the masculinity of the colonial era wasn’t defined by chest-thumping machismo or brawny, entrepreneurial pluck, but was measured instead by a man’s willingness to forfeit his time and resources for the betterment of his community. Hardly was this a matter of “emotional intelligence.” Rather, his duties were fulfilled through “publick usefulness.”
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #reading #thoughts | “It would be brutally unkind and unrealistic to say, Oh, all of you should be reading Stendhal. You’ll be better BuzzFeeders for it,” he had said. “But at the same time, that’s true, and I think the whole history of great American journalism shows that’s true.” BEING WELL-READ is a transcendent achievement similar to training to run 26.2 miles, then showing up for a marathon in New York City and finding 50,000 people there. It is at once superhuman and pedestrian.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #rating:e #fandom:classics | “Come on then,” Stelios says. “Away from your father’s sight.”
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #religion #art | God’s love of her creations had eroded imperceptibly over time. But the way she felt about Noah- it was a new way to feel.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #alexandriana | Dear all, I usually come here for balanced views on Alexander the Great, but never posted before. Now I'm hoping to draw on the collective expertise gathered here: we want to build a scale model of Alexander's army at the start of the battle of Gaugamela, using 6mm wargames-style figures. For sources, we decided to go with Arrian's numbers of 40,000 infantry & 7000 cavalry (scaled down 1:16, ie about 3000 figures)
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #classics #war | On the one hand, the Greeks knew that a smart commander would put his bravest men in front and his oldest and wisest in the rear. The older men would be the least inclined to run, and would keep the rest facing forward; meanwhile the bravest and most eager for glory would lead the way. This was an ancient principle for the deployment of any group of warriors, and it would be formalised in the later Macedonian pike phalanx. As the 4th century BC Athenian general Xenophon put it, "unless its first and its last are brave men, the phalanx is good for nothing" (Education of Cyrus 6.3.25).
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #classics #war | Back in the 80s, Peter Krentz gathered all known casualty figures from Classical Greek sources in order to establish a rough average.1 He concluded that in battles of Greek against Greek, the winner suffered about 5% casualties, the loser about 14%. These numbers are very frequently cited in scholarship. They seem perfectly straightforward, but it's not really so obvious what they actually mean.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet #projects | had a dream last night that my alarm was connected to twitter and everytime i hit snooze it publicly tweeted it with a disparaging little message along the lines of “filthy horrible boy has slapped the screen again, and slumbers on” so that your followers could shame you and i was deeply, DEEPLY humiliated but that did not stop me from hitting snooze upwards of 14 timeshey op! i couldnt sleep until i built this! you motherfucker!
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • 2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | Destielputinelection november 2020
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • 2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #toread #fandom:renault | Talk thing?
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #abuse | and I love how nuts this passage drives people and how similar all the things they say about it are. they all essentially boil down to, “No, sometimes abusive people are mean because they enjoy it, because it feels good to them, because it gives them genuine pleasure.” And they say these things to me with the air of an extremely weary and battlescarred veteran trying to explain the way the world works to an infant. And it’s wild because that’s what the essay’s about— the questions you ask once you begin to explore why someone has drives like that. The stuff that comes up immediately after correctly identifying someone as the kind of person who really does enjoy domination and harm.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #society | For me, I think becoming a Wife Guy for a new Wife just reveals that being a Wife Guy isn’t about the Wife at all—it’s about performing your own goodness for clout. Which, even before the fall from grace, I know is what’s really happening, but it just makes it even more irritating when, despite my best instincts, I get duped into rooting for a Wife Guy that turns out to be Just Another Guy.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet #copyright #courses | CopyrightX is a free online course on copyright open to people around the world. Although the OTW does not have any official relationship with CopyrightX, they have been in contact with members of our Legal Committee about their wish to reach fans who are interested in learning more about copyright and fair use. As a result we are sharing this invitation with our readers and users. The course is also open to any member of the public. CopyrightX is a twelve-week networked course, offered each year under the auspices of Harvard Law School, the HarvardX distance-learning initiative, and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. The course explores the current law of copyright and the ongoing debates concerning how that law should be reformed. Through a combination of pre-recorded lectures, assigned readings, weekly seminars, live webcasts, and online discussions, participants in the course examine and assess the ways in which law seeks to stimulate and regulate creative expression.
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #toread | With “triggered” as Google’s most searched word of 2016, trigger warnings have become a prevalent yet controversial concept in American higher education and society. As the debate over the value and place of triggering material continues, Trigger Warnings: History, Theory, Context provides the historical context and theoretical analysis of the use of trigger and content warnings in academia. This important edited collection examines the history, theories, and ethics of trigger warnings and presents case studies from instructors and students describing instances when trigger warnings were and were not used. By exploring the issue through several scholarly lenses and providing examples of when trigger warnings may or may not be used effectively, Trigger Warnings provides rigorous analysis of the controversy
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #internet | -If there are categories of people you don’t want to follow please assume I belong to all of them -If you need my demographic info before you can decide if you agree with my opinion or not please disagree with my opinions -Please assume I am up to no good - this is a good thing to assume with any blog on here - even blogs with faces may be no-faces in disguise
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei
  • #math #music | Riemann something counterpoint whatever idk
    2 years ago | View Shared by tei




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