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how to be a dog - demitri - Interview with the Vampire (TV 2022) [Archive of Our Own]

Date added
Sept. 29, 2024, 11:48 p.m.
“The boss has expressed his displeasure on multiple occasions, recently.” Which was lackey speak for I think he’s gonna kill you the moment you step through those doors. So Armand was going to tan his ass. The coat hung loose around his frame and it was warm but a cigarette would be warmer. He patted around for any square box, eventually coming up on a half-empty carton of Marlboros, the lighter tucked next to it. He put one between his teeth, giving a cursory offer to the lackey before tucking it away at the swift rejection, lighting up in the elevator. He had two dozen more floors to go before he got to Armand, just enough time.