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On Hyperpersonalized Sexual Identity | by Kravitz M. | An Injustice!

Date added
Sept. 4, 2021, 1:23 a.m.
It’s often unhealthy to hyper-analyze your sexuality to the point where how you experience your attraction pattern(s) changes where you belong. It often distresses the person trying to examine themselves and can leave them worried over if they’re in the “right” category, which is enough of a problem with labels with significant wiggle room. This is why the idea that broader terms are somehow more restrictive is baffling. Continuously breaking labels down and creating terminology for each facet of one’s identity shrinks communities until it’s just one person convinced that they’re the only one who relates to their experiences. It isolates people and ignores the importance of individuality within a collective identity. Both of these elements are what make a community a community.