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Mormon visits: Episode 8 - The Rationalizer

Date added
Nov. 11, 2021, 3:31 a.m.
How about this then?” I continued, “You don’t know what the Holy Spirit is or is not going to tell you to do. So how about you take them with you. Don’t read them, but just don’t throw them away. If one day the Holy Spirit says to look at them then they are there for you.” “In that case I can just look on the Internet” USA guy said. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I told him. “There are a lot of emotional people on the Internet making arguments from their emotions. Not only is this not a good way to decide what is true you will find that there are people out there who will be outright offensive. I don’t want you to be put off by it, and I wouldn’t want you to get upset either. So why not take it, and if the Holy Spirit tells you to, then read it.”