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If we only ever have one day to live, it would be enough - Chapter 1 - RoswellSmokingWoman, RulesOfDisorder (RoswellSmokingWoman) - Hannibal (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Date added
June 5, 2022, 2:48 a.m.
Today begins with the familiar sensation of Will’s wiry hands gripping Hannibal’s sides. There was a time when Hannibal would wake early in the morning, waiting for their routine so that he could prevent Will from hurling them over the bed. It only saddened Hannibal whenever he would see the look of defeat on Will’s face, like a bullet shatters glass. So, he lets Will attempt to kill him every morning, knowing he would fail and sometimes hoping he wouldn’t. Will suffers from anterograde amnesia, unable to remember any day after the fall from the cliffside. Hannibal never gives up hope. This was so, so good.